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Privacy policy

Confidentiality and security are core values of GRUPO NORTEMPO and, as a result, we assume the commitment to guarantee User privacy at all times, and will not collect unnecessary information.

Cabecera legal

The following includes all necessary information about our Privacy Policy in terms of the personal data that we collect, in which we will explain:

  • Who is in charge of processing your data.
  • For what purpose we collect the data you provide.
  • What is the legitimation for its processing it.
  • How long we keep it.
  • To which recipients your data is communicated.
  • What your rights are.

1. Data controller

BAMPIMOR, S.L. (B15740152)

Calle Bolivia nº 1, 1º Izq.

15004 de A Coruña

2. Purposes, legitimation, and conservation for the processing of the data sent through the:

Contact form

Purpose: Providing a way to contact us, and for us to respond to requests for information, as well as sending communications about our products, services, and activities using electronic means (email, SMS, WhatsApp), if the acceptance box is marked.

Legitimation: User consent upon requesting information from us through our contact form and marking the acceptance box to send information.

Conservation: Once the request is addressed via our form or email, if new processing has not occurred, and if acceptance was given to receive commercial communications, until a request is made to unsubscribe.

Registration form

Purpose: Registering users and providing them access to services on our website that are reserved for registered users, and informing them about our business, products, and services, as well as sending commercial communications about our products and services, including via electronic means (email, SMS, WhatsApp), if the acceptance box is marked.

Legitimation: User consent upon registering through our registration form and marking the acceptance box to send information.

Conservation: Until the registered user requests to unsubscribe, and after for the legally stipulated periods of time.

Sending your cv via email or by registering your cv

Purpose: Having the CV available in order to participate in personnel selection processes for the various companies that make up GRUPO NORTEMPO.

Legitimation: User consent upon sending us their personal information and CV for our personnel selection processes.

Conservation: During the development of the open personnel selection processes, and for one year after for future processes.

Sending emails

Purpose: Responding to requests for information, handling requests, and responding to your questions and concerns.  

Legitimation: The user’s consent when requesting information from us by email.

Conservation: Once the request is handled via email, data will proceed to be eliminated if no new processing occurs.

Obligation to provide us with personal data, and the consequences of not doing so.

Providing personal data requires a minimum age of 13 years or, where applicable, having sufficient legal capacity to enter into contract.

The personal data requested is necessary to manage requests and/or provide services that may be contracted, therefore failure to facilitate this data means we will not be able to properly respond or provide requested services.

3. Data recipients

Data is confidential, and will not be transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation to do so. In the case of candidates, their data may be transferred to our client companies in order to evaluate their candidacy.

4. Rights in terms of personal data

Anyone that has granted consent for processing may withdrawal their consent at any time. In no case does the withdrawal of this consent condition the subscription contract’s execution, or previously established relationships.

Likewise, the following rights may be exercised:

  • Requesting access to the user’s personal data, or correcting it when it is inexact.
  • Requesting deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Requesting a limitation to the data’s processing in certain circumstances.
  • Requesting to oppose user data processing for reasons relating to the user’s particular situation.
  • Requesting to migrate user data in the cases stipulated in the regulation.
  • Other rights recognised by applicable regulations.

Where and how to exercise your Rights: By writing to the data controller at their physical or electronic address (indicated in section A), indicating “Personal Data” as a reference, and specifying the right you wish to exercise with regard to what personal data.

In case of differences with the company regarding the processing of your data, you can submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (

5. Cookies

This website only uses its own and third-party (Google Analytics) technical, personalisation, and analysis cookies, which never use personal data or record browsing habits for advertising purposes.

For this reason, in compliance with article 22 of the Information Society Services Law, upon accessing our website we have provided information on analysis cookies and requested your consent to use them. In all cases, analysis cookies will be installed after a prudent amount of time so that the user has time to decide whether to provide consent or not.

6. Safety of your personal data

In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we would like to inform you that we have adopted all the technical and organisational means necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided so that it is not altered or lost, or accessed and processed by unauthorised parties.

7. Updating your data

For us to keep your personal data up to date, it is important for you to always inform us if there has been any change thereto. If this is not the case, we will not be held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

We will not be held responsible for the privacy policy in terms of the personal data that may be provided to third parties through the links available on our website.

This Privacy Policy may be modified in order to adapt it to changes made to our website, as well as legal or legislative changes in terms of personal data that may arise. For this reason, we ask you to read the Privacy Policy each time you provide us with data through this website.